The input update

2 years ago by Hey.Café.
Updated the input box to include a new number counter and ability to attach more photos to a conversation and have them render better. * ⏏️ Close button is now red for the popup box. * ⚙️ Items in settings wont say false anymore but will say that it’s not been set yet. * ✏️ Lot of input box fixes. * 🔢 Text number counter on inputs now does not bounce around as it updates. * 📷 If attach 2+ images to conversation it renders only in grid format.
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Profile image for Carl PoppaCarl Poppa
2 years ago.
haven't logged on in awhile. everything looks different (again!) but also looking really good Anthony!
Profile image for AlexAlex
2 years ago.
So hey, how do you block someone?
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