Oh boy this is a big update! Some bits already went live but the rest is going live now. * 🧹 Removed background tinting from profile for performance. * 📷 New style for upload box for images and attachments. * 🐛 Fixes to to the new live input with the image upload box. * 🐛 Fixed bug where going back to a page will result in profile image and header not rendering on the sidebar. * 🤖 Android devices no longer have access to mention suggestions and emoji lookup due to performance problems. * 📧 Updated the register page with more info about the email process. * 🙋🏽 Changed profile view and design. * 🏳️🌈 Added space for website and pronouns and option to set in settings. * 🐛 Fixed sending a blank bio, if you send it empty it will reset, same with pronouns and website inputs. * 🚦 Major rewrites on how the app loads, now using tokens to know if the app has been updated and refresh for users. * 📱 Better optimized on mobile making some titles smaller, and better spacing. * 💬 Mobile comments now have a minimum size of 300px and will make the comment area scroll sideways if threads get large. * 🔗 Links no longer show in the description of a link embed. * 🐞 If you post multiple links that are the same they wont generate to prevent bugs with generating due to link being in the html stricture of the embeds. * ⚠️ New mini alerts for notifications about actions, moving them away from the notifications system and making it cleaner. * 🔥 New notification style with support for emoji icons. * 🎉 New checks for version update with single tap to reload the app both in PWA and web. This uses the new separated system for the app package and HTML source. * 👋 New splash page that says a little more about Hey.Café.