Things are now faster, smaller and better

2 years ago by Hey.Café.
We have some updates that have been pushed out to the stable version. This is more around making things a little faster and smaller! * 🏷 Multi user tags now work properly in the same conversation or comment. * 🔗 Added TakeMeTo endpoint urls for easy avatar and header embeds on any website (we are not pulling a Twitter on this, it will always work). * 💬 Moved over comment refreshing over to the new system using the checkup calls to fetch new content. * 🙋🏽 Moved avatars from to on tweets with media, due to Twitter not having a public way to access avatars. We might move this soon over to the double API call that we must do with YouTube but we don’t want to need that. * 🔔 Removed the SVG icons that where embedded in the site source so we are now using the Emoji system, and it now loads and renders faster. * 💨 Improved site rendering to make the site source smaller!
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